Large Installation
Large Installation
2018 Maker Faire - Forest Life
2018 Maker Faire - Forest Life

Enchantment for Children of all ages, "Forest-Life" introduced "Mytri the Forest Fairy", who pedaled her own child-size Gypsy Wagon. Her wings and legs moved realistically, and her eyes sparkled, inviting little ones to come close and marvel...

Gods and Worms
Gods and Worms
Large Installation
2018 Maker Faire - Forest Life
Gods and Worms
Large Installation
2018 Maker Faire - Forest Life

Enchantment for Children of all ages, "Forest-Life" introduced "Mytri the Forest Fairy", who pedaled her own child-size Gypsy Wagon. Her wings and legs moved realistically, and her eyes sparkled, inviting little ones to come close and marvel...

Gods and Worms
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